
Personal Post | Taking The Plunge Called Change

And yes, I took a plunge to change---after 3 years of staying in my comfort zone.

I haven’t blogged the past weeks and this is the reason. I decided to get out of the zone that is safe and comfortable because I saw more cons than pros. It took me a long time to think about everything and make a decision (long time meaning since last year). I’m happy I did and that change is having a new work :D

For those who don’t know, I was a full-time, home-based Web Content Writer for a US client for almost three years. I don’t have a company and just do the necessary tasks the client wants from 9:00pm to 6:00am, Monday to Friday.  As fas as I know, a lot of people tell me I’m lucky to have this kind of job because it has no hassles of commuting, buying meals and office politics. I felt the same way at first.

I won’t be enumerating all of them, but I then saw more cons than pros as I stayed longer in my previous job. Cons that can affect my future and hinder my growth and learning. I realized I don’t want to end up like some people who stayed in the safe zone because they were scared of change and ended up regretting it. And besides, I learned a lot of things in my home-based job and I feel I can use and enhance my web content writing skills in a new work.

I considered continuing being home-based, but decided I wanted a change of environment where I can totally focus on my work and concentrate in doing my job well. And besides, I don’t want to bring home work anymore.

I applied in various companies related to writing and finally landed a new job :D

I am now an Associate Copywriter for an outsourcing company and I do lots of web content writing, SEO and the likes.  I’m just on my first week and so far, I am loving it.  I learned a lot and found out I can enhance the skills that I have. Plus, I like what the company has to offer in terms of growth, learning and enhancing my skills.

My "weapons" in my new work. I still prefer writing notes
in a notebook and using a highlighter.

It has been a long time since I worked in an office, so I am still adjusting to the new environment. In terms of schedule, adjusting is not that hard since I am assigned to a graveyard shift and I am already used to that XD I am also getting used to commuting and working in a cold office (I get cold easily so I use a long coat that keeps me warm).

That coat I'm wearing is what keeps the
cold at bay in the office---and keeps me warm XD
First time wearing it outside of house

The thing that I like in my new work is I am really concentrated and focused on my work compared to when I was home based as there are less distractions. Social networks are blocked and there are only selected sites I am allowed to go---which is fine with me because I get distracted easily. So far, all is good and I am excited to learn more. :)

Also, the office is very near to where I live, so commuting is easy and short. Despite that, I still wake up early because it takes me a long time to prepare. And of course, weekends off wooohooo! :D

Office reception decorated with summer designs

My work desk/station.

It’s still too early to tell but so far, I am enjoying and eager to go to work because I know I will learn something new everyday. Of course now, I won’t be able to attend some blogger events but that is fine with me. At least I’ll have more time to do stuff that I love: cosplay, blogging, being with my boyfriend, watching anime and TV series and more.

For this blog, I am excited to post new entries that I delayed the past weeks. And thanks to an advice I got from my role model, I will be using this to share my passion and help others.


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