
Geek News | DC Releases the First Trailer of “Titans” and It’s... Dark

Credit: Variety.com
Here I am, looking out for geek news about San Diego Comic Con (SDCC) 2018, but I never thought one of the biggest news I would get would come from DC. I have been hearing things about the new Titans TV show, but I didn’t expect the trailer to be...dark. Blame it on me being more familiar with the Teen Titans of Cartoon Network, which is kid-friendly and less bloody. That’s why I was quite surprised with the setting and look of the “Titans” trailer: Watch it below:

Even though I was taken aback by its darkness and bloody theme, watching the trailer actually got me more curious and interested in watching “Titans” this fall. I’m also excited to see a different take on the Titans storyline. One thing’s for sure: this “Titans” TV show is not for kids. But it will definitely be part of our “To watch TV series” list.

DC Universe’s Titans will premiere in DC’s new streaming service this fall.


Did you see the first trailer of DC's "Titans"? What did you think about it? Tell me in the comments section below. You can also reach me via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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