
Ice Scramble!

If there is one thing I missed from the street foods that I grew up with, it is the famous Filipino treat called the Ice Scramble. For those who do not know, Ice Scramble is a sweet and cold Filipino treat from crushed ice mixed with skim milk, sugar, chocolate and strawberry syrup and some flavoring. It's a treat that one can eat when coming home from school or work.

Ever since I heard that Ice Scramble came back from the food scene, I have been looking for it in malls and train stations. Then I read from a certain blog that they have an ice scramble cart in the Katipunan train station. When I got the chance, I went there and...voila! I found it! I immediately bought one, and boy it made my day despite being down. I love the feel of sugar and syrup, topped with small marshmallows in my mouth! It's something I really missed from the good old days.

I am planning to go back there today as well as look for the bigger version in malls. It's not only so delicious, but cheap as well.

How about you? When will you have your ice scramble? :)

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