
New Year, New Look, New Blog Concept

This blog has been up for two and half years.  As I look back at my first few entries, I found out that this started as just a personal blog to let out my rants and frustrations from my previous work.  I never imagined it to grow up and be a venue in discovering various things.  Named as “Scrutiny of the Mind”, this blog was a way for me to write my thoughts and opinions on current issues and other serious matters.  But after I left my media job and was less exposed to the happenings of our country, it was hard to stay true with the “Scrutiny of the Mind” concept.  Despite that, I tried my best to do that and created blog posts that voiced out my thoughts on Philippine issues and events. 

But as time passed, it was really hard to stay true to the concept.  Ever since I left GMA 7, I never read or watched news that much because it left me depressed and frustrated.  I just read and watch once in awhile, but not as religiously as when I was still in the media. So as much as I have some thoughts on things, they were not at par with this blog’s original concept. 

Then, I recently discovered a lot of stuff in the worlds of beauty, health, cosplay, lifestyle, entertainment and others that left me at awe and helped in making me a better person inside and out. I never knew being a late bloomer would be fun in a lot of aspects and I would love to write them down.  I assume I’m a late-bloomer at discovering these stuff because, usually, girls discover them in their teens or early 20s.  While discovering them, I realized I wanted to blog some of them in the point-of-view of a late-bloomer.  I tried blogging one product that I discovered and felt good afterwards.  Here, I share my discoveries in a unique POV and it was also in this way that I can update the blog once in awhile and not leave it in hiatus for days, weeks or months---which was happening in the “Scrutiny of the Mind” concept.  For a late-bloomer like me, discovering new things at present and writing them just like any writer should is quite enjoyable.

And this is why I already changed the name and concept of this blog and that editing it is still ongoing.  I changed the name to “Hainrirhi’s Discoveries” with a description/concept of “where a late bloomer believes it's never too late to discover stuff”---even though the domain name is still the same.  I’ll be changing it in time, but for now I want to remain the “ecyang.blogspot.com” because this is what I have been spreading the past years and is what’s on my calling card.  And retaining the domain still means that my thoughts and opinions are part of the blog---just as what I really had in mind when I created “ecyang.blogspot.com”.

Heinrich aka Hainrihi
For the blog name itself, you may be wondering why “Hainrihi”. Well, I had a lot of codenames/aliases when I was in HS and college, but one alias that I love is “Hainrihi”---which is another name for “Heinrich” and is the name of my favorite anime character.  Ever since I heard it and the Japanese counterpart, I got attracted and decided to use it as my alias for other things---mostly in games and, now, cosplay.  So instead of using my real name, I think it would be appropriate to use my most beloved alias.

This has been a long entry and I don’t want to bore you with more explanations.  I’ll just show them to you with my next discoveries.  I’m sure I’ll enjoy writing them, especially now that I have a list of stuff I just discovered as I go on with my everyday life. For now, feel free to look around my blog and just don’t be surprised if you see some changes. :)

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