
2014 Challenge #3 | Anime-Watching Challenge

Aside from reading and money-saving, one thing that I didn’t fulfill last year is watching anime---whether old-school or recent. For 2014, I want to change that and watch as many animes as I can. Hopefully, by the end of this year, this anime list of mine will have many crossouts. XD

Since anime series have a lot of genres, I decided to assign genres per month. This will also be easier for me to pick which animes to watch in the next months.   And after watching some animes, I also plan to post reviews about them here.

Anyway, here is the list that I will follow for 2014:

January to February
- Bad-Ass Female Leads Animes
- Old School Animes That I Never Watched
- Romantic Comedy

For these two months, I am already starting with Ghost in the Shell, which has a bad-ass female lead.

March to April
- Fantasy
- Boys’ Love
- Romantic Comedy

May to June
- Horror
- Boys’ Love
- Old School Animes That I Never Watched

July to August
- Supernatural
- Comedy

September to October
- Favorite Seiyuus (Voice Actor) Aniomes
- Mecha

November to December
- Slice of Life
- Light Animes

I think the list can change, but so far, I’m sticking to this. Hopefully, I can achieve this challenge and be able to watch (and review) as many animes as I can---especially now that there are a lot of new animes coming out. I can’t keep track of them anymore, so I will most likely ask my friend who watches almost all of the new animes. For now, I am sticking to the list I have in this blog.


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